• travel with pet

Travelling abroad

Since Brexit there have been significant changes regarding pet travel to the EU, as well as Northern Ireland.

The main change is that you are no longer able to use pet passports issued in England, Wales or Scotland and will instead require an Animal Health Certificate (AHC). Unlike pet passports, AHCs can only be used for a single journey.

When travelling to an EU country or Northern Ireland, your pet needs:

  • An AHC, unless you have a pet passport issued in an EU country or Northern Ireland.
  • A microchip.
  • A valid rabies vaccination, at least 21 days before you travel.
  • Tapeworm treatment for dogs if you’re travelling directly to Finland, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Norway or Malta.

Download our pet travel guide for more information

Pet travel guide download here.

If you need an AHC for your pet, please download and complete our questionnaire and send it to vets@abbeyvets.co.uk.

Please be aware this service is only available to clients currently registered with us, and that we are unable to take on clients solely for the purpose of arranging an AHC.

We generally require at least six weeks notice to organise an AHC, so get in touch well before your travel date.

If you are travelling to a non EU country you will require an Export Health Certificate. You should contact the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) to discuss what will be required.

Speak to our team or email us at vets@abbeyvets.co.uk if you have any questions about pet travel.