Repeat prescription

Please use the form below to request repeat prescriptions for your pet. This service is for pets receiving ongoing medication only.

It is a legal requirement that our vets routinely see your pet in practice if they are to prescribe them with ongoing medication. If your pet is due this medication check a member of the team will call you to book this in before further medication is prescribed.

Please see the below timing for repeat medication ordering.

  • If your order is placed before 3pm from Monday to Thursday, your medication should be available the next day.
  • If you order after 3pm from Monday to Thursday your medication should be available after two working days.
  • Orders placed on a Friday before 3pm will be available the following Monday.
  • Orders placed on a Friday after 3pm or on a Saturday will be available the following Tuesday .
  • Bank holiday timings may vary. Please follow our Facebook page or speak to your branch for up to date order details during these times.

We’d like to update you occasionally with pet health news and offers that we think you’ll be interested to hear about. If you do not wish to receive these, please tick below.

Thank you for your request for your repeat prescription.

Please follow the guidance on top of the page for when your medication will be ready for collection. A member of the team will be in contact if we require any further information or if your pet is due their medication check.

Kind Regards

The Team at Abbey Vets